PLURR Creators
do you cringe when you hear "plur is dead" or die a little on the inside when someone says that no one trades kandi anymore?
yeah -- us too!
we believe kandi is special. we believe kandi creates magical moments of connection which leads to beautiful memories and unforgettable friendships.
kandi is an important part of the rave tradition... and the reason for our core values: peace, love, unity, respect, and responsibility.
with so many reasons to worry "the culture has shifted" and "raves have changed" -- we're here to make sure it doesn't and we need your help to tell that story!
we will make enough kandi to keep the world trading, but YOU'RE the only way we can get the word out about how and why to spread PLURR.
join our team and help us continue the tradition of kandi with content creation and partnership opportunities!
apply here: